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Photo stories from people who use drugs: our lives, our voices 26 Apr 2019

These photos tell stories of the lives of people who use drugs in Myanmar, Nigeria and Uganda. They were created through a collaboration between Front...

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Human rights violation tool (REAct) 23 Apr 2019

The Rights – Evidence – ACTion (REAct) tool has been developed to record, monitor, and respond to human rights violations that happen when people ...

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Shattering the myths around ‘universal’ health coverage 15 Mar 2019

As many countries move towards universal health coverage, Frontline AIDS executive director Christine Stegling and Aidsfonds director Mark Vermeulen r...

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Integrating the HIV response into universal health coverage 15 Mar 2019

New research reveals opportunities and major areas of concern as countries move towards UHC, while at the same time transitioning from international t...

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Botswana 06 Feb 2019

We are supporting human rights in Botswana, championing the rights of people living with HIV so that they can access the services they need....

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Indonesia 01 Feb 2019

We’re supporting harm reduction in Indonesia, helping people who use drugs protect themselves from the risk of HIV....

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Mozambique 01 Feb 2019

In Mozambique, we're ensuring HIV services are designed with the needs of people most affected by HIV in mind....

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Kenya 01 Feb 2019

In Kenya we are supporting marginalised populations to advocate for improved access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services....

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Integrated Harm Reduction Programme 01 Feb 2019

Our harm reduction programme exists because we support, rather than punish, people who use drugs....

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