Partnership is at the core of Frontline AIDS. Our partnership benefits from learning from each other through sharing knowledge and expertise, co-creating innovations, and implementing ideas together.
The Frontline AIDS partnership brings together 60+ partners reaching 100 countries around the world. Collectively, we are proud to form the largest global partnership of community and civil society organisations working together to end AIDS.
In 2022, we established the Partnership Council, an elected group of partners, to promote and practice a distributed leadership approach to shift and challenge paternalistic or colonial practices within the partnership, our respective organisations, and across the development sector.
Our evolving partnership model means that as the world adapts and changes around us, we are able to shape our technical assistance, programmes, and systems to best respond to the HIV epidemic.
Together, we seek new ways to bolster community-led action on HIV that puts people at the centre.
We have been working together for more than 25 years and the partnership is very important to us.
We are a strong network of more than 60 organisations from around the world, with the same dream to end AIDS by 2030. We have different areas of expertise. It means that if I don’t have experience of a specific aspect of good practice there might be someone else, in Ecuador or Ukraine for example, who does.
Through partnership we can support each other and we can share our experience and processes with stakeholders, including governments.
Choub Sok Chamreun, KHANA, Cambodia
Our relationship started in 2004 and we have learnt a lot since then. What’s different about Frontline AIDS compared with other organisations is they really support their partners to grow.
As well as teaching their partners, they open up opportunities for them. They also listen to the challenges their partners face and they try to find the solutions, or the opportunities that will lead to solutions.
Nadia Badran, SIDC, Lebanon
It’s important to be a part of the partnership to show the reality and improve the conditions in which sex workers work, as currently sex work is a risk.
The support from Frontline AIDS to show this reality is welcome. Financial and political support is important and having a partnership organisation behind you gives you legitimacy.
Maria Lucila Esquivel, Redtrasex, Latin America
Frontline AIDS has fostered and established channels and room for engagement, capacity building and mentorship especially for a youth-led organisation.
Y+ Global is optimistic to learn more from the partnership, especially on collaborations, connecting and strengthening our presence with other colleagues in West Africa, Asia and LAC.
Y+ Global
I appreciate the fact that the coordinating body tries to take into account the specificities of regions and organisations in presenting its global agenda and the activities to be encouraged.
Knowing that many organisations work in different spaces to resolve a problem, and knowing that one can share experiences and lessons learned, energises teams.
Promoteurs Objectif Zéro Sida (POZ), Haiti
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