A key innovation of the Link Up project is youth-to-youth mentoring.
Link Up’s mentoring programme is designed to build the confidence of young people to participate in policy processes, and to help identify and expand the knowledge, leadership skills, and abilities they feel they need to meaningfully participate in advocating for their priorities. It enables young people to become mentors for their peers, enabling all those involved to benefit from one another’s knowledge, experience and perceptions.
This toolkit was developed in collaboration with young advocates and draws on their diverse experiences of working in communities to advance their rights. It consists of three parts:
- Step Up, Link Up, Speak Up: A facilitator’s guide for a workshop on mentoring for youth advocacy
- Step Up, Link Up, Speak Up: A tool to support mentoring for youth advocacy
- Mentoring for Youth Advocacy Workshop Powerpoint
To learn more about Link Up, visit its main webpages.
Step Up, Link Up, Speak Up: A facilitator’s guide for a workshop on mentoring for youth advocacy
The purpose of a mentoring programme is both to build the confidence of young people to participate in these processes, and to help identify and expand the knowledge, leadership skills, and abilities that they feel they need in order to meaningfully participate and to advocate for their priorities. In addition, mentors and mentees can benefit laterally from each other’s knowledge, experience, and perception.
Step Up, Link Up, Speak Up: A tool to support mentoring for youth advocacy
This tool was developed to provide support, guidance and real-life experience to young people interested in developing their advocacy skills through mentoring (as a mentor–mentee pair or as a larger group establishing a mentoring programme). The tool is designed to be used by youth advocates interested in mentoring, whether they are new to advocacy and interested in developing their skills, or they are experienced in advocacy and want to share their skills and experiences with others by becoming a mentor.
Affirmez Vous, Rassemblez Vous, Exprimez Vous: Un outil de promotion du mentorat pour un plaidoyer de la jeunesse
Cet outil a été élaboré en vue d’apporter soutien, conseils et expériences pratiques aux jeunes gens qui souhaitent développer leurs compétences en matière de plaidoyer par le biais du mentorat (dans le cadre d’un binôme mentor/mentoré ou au sein d’un groupe plus important développant un programme de mentorat). Cet outil est destiné aux défenseurs de la jeunesse intéressés par le mentorat, qu’ils soient novices en matière de plaidoyer et désireux de développer leurs compétences ou bien experts en la matière et désireux de partager leurs compétences et expériences avec d’autres en devenant mentor.
This article was written as the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, before we changed our name to Frontline AIDS.