Surviving Global Fund transition to safeguard the HIV response

Surviving Global Fund transition to safeguard the HIV response 23 Mar 2021

Community advocates and civil society organisations are ensuring that their voice and influence is visible during transition....

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Tackling gender-based violence among women who use drugs in India 09 Mar 2021

Results and lessons from the WINGS project....

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PITCH end term evaluation report 03 Mar 2021

A critical analysis of the PITCH programme’s contribution to evidence-based changes in relation to its theory of change....

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Building alliances to advance action on ARV stock-outs 26 Feb 2021

Civil society organisations in Indonesia unite to end decade-long inaction in the procurement and provision of ARVs....

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Building connections for drug law reform 26 Jan 2021

Rapid intervention and targeted advocacy halts a bill to enforce stronger sentences for drug-related offences in Nigeria. ...

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From ‘Enemies of the state’ to allies 08 Jan 2021

LGBTI communities in Zimbabwe are forging new alliances with the Government in policy making to drive meaningful change. ...

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Young people challenging child marriage in Indonesia 08 Jan 2021

Legal success is turning the end of child marriage in Indonesia into a burgeoning movement for action on HIV and SRHR....

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Women living with HIV unite to challenge the World Health Organisation 08 Jan 2021

How women living with HIV in Uganda campaigned for the lifesaving medication they want and need. ...

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Gaining power: how sex workers in Mozambique made their voices heard 07 Jan 2021

Sex workers in Mozambique are demanding their rights and achieving results....

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