E-learning course for police officers on HIV/AIDS prevention and vulnerability

Key information

  • Organisation: SIDC
  • Country: Lebanon
  • Region: Middle East and North Africa
  • Stage of innovation: Stage 3: Pilot
  • Start date: 29/05/2023
  • End date: 29/05/2024
  • Type of innovation: Policy innovation: change to policy thinking or behavioural intentions
  • Budget: $10,600
  • Funders: Expertise France 5% L’initiative

Summary of intervention

In Lebanon, people living with HIV and those from key population groups face multiple layers of stigma and discrimination from the police and other inmates in prisons and detention centres due to their HIV status, drug use, or based on their sexual orientation.

As part of the Gateway to Better Health project, the Society for Inclusion and Development in Communities — SIDC— developed standard operating procedures to guide Lebanon’s Internal Security Forces (ISF) during the detention or imprisonment of people from key populations. An accompanying e-learning course aims to influence police officers’ behaviour towards people living with HIV, people who use drugs and sex workers by improving their communication skills and understanding of mental health issues and vulnerability, helping them to support key populations. The course aims to reduce stigma and discrimination and includes information on HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, sexually transmitted infections, substance use prevention, care and treatment. A referral system will enable the police to access additional information, services and support for vulnerable groups.

Available on the police academy e-learning platform, the course is mandatory for all policemen and women at the academy, who can access the training at their own pace, allowing them to integrate it into their demanding schedules. Content can be accessed online, face to face, or hybrid, and training of trainers is available to cascade knowledge to other police officers.

This course is the first of its kind and marks a significant partnership between civil society organisations such as SIDC and the ISF.


Developing content to meet the expectations and requirements of all police and acquiring police permission for content for an e-platform required lengthy discussion and approvals.

next steps

Once integrated, this initiative will enable future partnerships to be built.


This digital e-learning course offers a scalable and sustainable model for future capacity-building efforts with Lebanon’s security forces. The platform can be continuously updated and expanded to include new topics or address emerging challenges, ensuring that the ISF remain well-informed and equipped to engage with vulnerable populations in a way that respects their rights.



Harm reductionHepatitis B & CHIV preventionHIV treatment and careMental health and psychosocial support