Written by: Frontline AIDS

Young, gay and subjected to torture in Cameroon 17 May 2021

Imagine being subjected to a forced anal examination against your will. You are forcefully taken to hospital by a police officer, made to undress and ...

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Our personal tragedy and determination to overcome COVID-19 13 May 2021

As the second wave of COVID-19 engulfs India, Alliance India is getting critical help to the frontline of the HIV response. ...

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Tauria’s story: from shame to strength 13 May 2021

From childhood, Tauria Tauach Rijal from Mozambique faced hostility and social isolation due to their gender identity and expression. Experiences such...

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Remembering Wanjiku Kamau 12 May 2021

Frontline AIDS is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Wanjiku Kamau....

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Ugandan bill extends criminalisation of LGBT+ people and sex workers 06 May 2021

Civil society organisations in Uganda have expressed dismay after the passing of the Sexual Offences Bill 2019, which was debated in Parliament earlie...

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US supports suspending vaccine patents in major step towards People’s Vaccine 06 May 2021

US Government support for the TRIPS waiver brings the world closer to the removal of a major obstacle in the drive to increase vaccine production worl...

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Role models and agency: what young women want 05 May 2021

Adolescent girls and young women are among the hardest hit by the HIV epidemic and, in Mozambique, the rate of new infections among this demographic i...

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What is it like living with HIV during a pandemic? 30 Apr 2021

When the pandemic hit last year, many people lost their jobs overnight and had no way to pay bills or buy food. For many living with HIV, the trauma w...

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UK Government cuts funding for UNAIDS by more than 80% 29 Apr 2021

The UK Government will drastically reduce its annual commitment to the UN's HIV programme to £2.5 million this year, a decision described by Frontlin...

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