
© Mr Thahn, SCDI 

In Vietnam, we're supporting marginalised communities such as people who use drugs to better protect themselves from the risk of HIV.

Although the HIV epidemic in Vietnam has improved in recent years, injecting drug use continues to pose a particular risk of transmitting the virus. HIV adversely affects other communities, too, such as men who have sex with men (MSM) and female sex workers. Despite an improving picture, discrimination and poor access to services in remote areas continue to provide challenges for those most effected by the epidemic.

We want to keep the momentum going, so we work with marginalised communities to help them access vital HIV prevention services.


  • Around 230,000 people are living with HIV in Vietnam.
  • Approximately 189,000 people inject drugs, of whom 12.7% are living with HIV.
  • 95% of people living with HIV who are on treatment are virally suppressed, meeting the third 90-90-90 target.

Meet one of OUR PARTNERs

The Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) 

We work with SCDI to support marginalised communities in Vietnam play a greater part in their country’s HIV response.

SCDI’s needle and syringe programmes support the prevention of HIV transmission among people who use drugs. Alongside this, they work with the Vietnamese government to explore different approaches to drug use. In particular, they advocate for shifting from a compulsory detention model to voluntary, community-based addiction treatment.

SCDI also supports self-help groups for marginalised populations, providing mentoring and legal support, research, and training for other community organisations. For example, in 2017, the team worked with the Vietnam Network of Transgender People, advocating for their rights and needs during the development of the country’s draft Law on Gender Affirmation.


During 2019, SCDI: 

  • Reached 26,700 marginalised and other vulnerable people with sexual reproductive health and rights interventions including HIV.
  • Reached 7,800 people with needle and syringe programmes and distributed 3.3 million needles and syringes.
  • Published a peer-reviewed article on the exposure to HIV risks among young people who use drugs in Vietnam.

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