
In China, we’re working to uphold the human rights of people living with, and affected by, HIV so that people can access the HIV services they deserve.
Most people living with HIV in China are from marginalised communities which are often criminalised. This includes people who use drugs (PWUD), sex workers and men who have sex with men (MSM).
We are working in the country to overcome the stigma, discrimination and criminalisation that all too often causes huge barriers to vital HIV services.
- According to national estimates, 1.25 million people are living with HIV.
- Around 400,000 people are unaware of their status.
Meet one of OUR PARTNERs
AIDS Care China
We’ve worked with AIDS Care China for the last decade, supporting community organisations with the financing and tools they need to address HIV.
AIDS Care China supports people living with HIV to access and stay on antiretroviral treatment (ART). They provide quality ART services, and offer psychosocial support for people living with HIV to maintain their quality of life.
They also work with people who use drugs, and have been finding innovative ways of working with police and law enforcement agencies to find alternative approaches to deal with drug use. For example, instead of sending people who use drugs to compulsory detoxification centres, the police are piloting the referral of people who use drugs to community-based treatment centres using tools they developed with AIDS Care China.
This allows people who use drugs to access harm reduction services to achieve a safe and stable life; a win for human rights. The local government in Yunnan province is now piloting this model, building on the community-based treatment centres that AIDS Care China started in 2013.
During 2019, AIDS Care China reached:
- 7,700 people who use drugs and 3,500 men who have sex with men with HIV prevention programmes.
- 26,500 people living with HIV with sexual reproductive health and rights interventions, including HIV.
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