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Fast-Track or Off Track: 20 Oct 2020

How insufficient funding for key populations jeopardises ending AIDS by 2030. ...

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Transforming the HIV response 09 Oct 2020

How communities innovate to respond to COVID-19...

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What does it take to achieve a gender transformative HIV response? 08 Oct 2020

A practical guide for HIV advocates and civil society organisations to redistribute unequal power in society. ...

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Growing a movement: uniting the Kenyan LGBTQ community 02 Oct 2020

Since 2016, a group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex Kenyans have been engaged in legal action to challenge laws used to cri...

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Making the case for prison reform in Myanmar 29 Sep 2020

PITCH partners in Southeast Asia are advocating for improved prison conditions as part of a more comprehensive HIV response....

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The road to change: reforming drug policies and shifting attitudes in Zimbabwe 26 Aug 2020

Despite no official data on people who use drugs in Zimbabwe, evidence suggests the population is significant and particularly vulnerable to HIV. Yet ...

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REActing to COVID-19: why responding to rights violations is more important than ever 26 Aug 2020

Many marginalised communities are using Frontline AIDS’ Rights – Evidence – ACTion (REAct) tool to monitor and respond to the daily human rights...

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First responders: the peers providing psychological first aid for women who use drugs 30 Jul 2020

Responding to the rising levels of intimate partner violence experienced by women who use drugs in Kenya during COVID-19...

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HIV programmes for marginalised people in southern Africa need urgent protection 23 Jul 2020

For sex workers and people who use drugs – who are already living precariously – COVID-19 is having a devastating impact and we are calling for ur...

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