Managing community-based Sub-Recipients

A guide for Global Fund Principal Recipients who manage local community-based sub-recipients that deliver services to their communities.
This guide is for Global Fund Principal Recipients (PRs) who manage local community-based sub-recipients (SRs) that deliver services to their communities.
It highlights actions for PRs to consider when managing community-based SRs, not just to meet the Global Fund’s standards and requirements, but more importantly to sustain civil society’s response to the three diseases after Global Fund financing ends.
Rather than providing a to-do list for PRs, the guide covers:
- the Global Fund’s standard expectations of PRs in ensuring that community-based SRs or sub-sub-recipients (SSR) comply with Global Fund requirements
- what PRs can do beyond the Global Fund’s standard expectations to sustain civil society’s response both during and after the Global Fund grants
- resources available to current or aspiring PRs to support civil society involvement
Entities with oversight responsibilities over their PRs (e.g. CCMs, government ministries and Global Fund secretariat country teams) will also benefit from this guide as it will help them support their PRs’ initiatives in sustaining community-based organisations’ contributions.
The guide was developed as part of the Alliance’s 2016-2018 partnership grant with German BACKUP Health, and is available in English and French.
This article was written as the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, before we changed our name to Frontline AIDS.