Exclusion Policy for IATI Data

Frontline AIDS is committed to the concept of Open Data.

In 2011 we became the first civil society organisation to publish our data using the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard. This aims to make information about aid spending easier to access, use and understand by publishing in a common format.

Through IATI, Frontline AIDS publishes information about some of our projects: objectives, which partners we are working with, funding flows and results. You can view our published IATI data on d-portal or access the datasets on the IATI Registry.

Our IATI exclusion policy is based on the assumption that all information required to meet the IATI standard should be disclosed unless there are robust reasons for it to be withheld from publication.

When publishing data, we aim to be transparent while complying with the law (including the EU General Data Protection Regulation- GDPR), minimising risks and protecting human rights. Ensuring the safety and security of our partners and those most affected by HIV is Frontline AIDS’ first responsibility. We take seriously our commitment to ensuring the data we publish does not put at risk the safety or privacy of individuals, or harm the social impact of our work.

Read our Exclusion Policy for IATI data