Evaluation of the Alliance strategy (2016)

Evaluation of the Alliance strategy, HIV, Health and Human Rights - Sustaining Community Action, 2013-2020 (Executive Summary).
In 2016, the Alliance commissioned IOD PARC to undertake an independent evaluation of its updated global strategy: HIV, Health and Human Rights: Sustaining Community Action, 2013-2020. This is part of our ongoing commitment to regular evaluations.
The evaluation was both an end-line review of the 2013-2015 results framework, and to inform the next three years of our strategy and the 2016-2020 framework. The objectives of the evaluation were to:
- Review progress against selected outcome indicators:
- Review progress on priority cross-cutting thematic areas (relevance, effectiveness, learning and accountability, gender, shared leadership and partnership, value for money and sustainability)
- Provide pragmatic recommendations to help us achieve our strategy by 2020
The Alliance has also produced a management response to the evaluation and its recommendations, see below.
This article was written as the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, before we changed our name to Frontline AIDS.