Good Practice Guide: Adolescent HIV Programming

Good Practice Guide: Adolescent HIV Programming 15 May 2017

This Good Practice Guide contains information, strategies and resources to help programmers implement HIV programming for adolescents....

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Link Up experiences of reaching adolescents living with HIV 27 Oct 2016

This brief highlights new understanding, gained through Link Up, around engaging and providing services for adolescents living with HIV....

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What’s so different about adolescents? 27 Oct 2016

Lessons from Link Up about the unique challenges and opportunities in engaging 10-19 year olds in integrated HIV and SRHR services....

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Link Up: key resources 07 Oct 2016

Resources from the Link Up programme on SRHR, HIV and young people....

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Case Study: Bangladesh – Transforming the lives of young people 15 Sep 2016

This case study follows three health journeys of young people who have come to access Link Up services....

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Case Study: Making the Global Fund work for young people 02 Jun 2016

This case study explores advocacy at national, regional and global levels and focuses on national initiatives in Burundi, Myanmar and Uganda...

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Step Up, Link Up, Speak Up: Mentoring toolkit 02 Jun 2016

Toolkit to support mentoring work for youth advocacy...

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Aiming High: 10 Strategies for Meaningful Youth Engagement 02 Jun 2016

Practical guidelines for meaningful youth engagement for the use of programmers, policymakers, civil society and others....

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Project Overview: Empowering young people to take control 02 Jun 2016

Project overview of Link Up, an ambitious project which has improved the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people....

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