Sampoorna (Holistic)

Two transgender women waiting to receive health services in the state of Gujarat, India.

Key information

  • Organisation: India HIV/AIDS Alliance
  • Country: India
  • Region: Asia and the Pacific
  • Stage of innovation: Stage 6: In the market and Ready to scale
  • Start date: April 2020
  • End date: December 2021
  • Type of innovation: Policy innovation: change to policy thinking or behavioural intentions
  • Budget: 266,132 USD
  • Funder: UNFPA India

Summary of intervention

Evidence shows, to end the HIV epidemic, we need to integrate sexual and reproductive health and HIV to meet the SRH needs of all. However, these services are often delivered separately, and many populations not only lack access to integrated services, they also still face barriers to accessing health services in general. In India, female sex workers and transgender people still face stigma and discrimination in health services, lack access to quality, comprehensive and integrated HIV/SRH care in places they feel comfortable at times that suit them.

Project Sampoorna (meaning ‘holistic’) aims to bridge the gaps between SRH and HIV. It is improving access to information and continuity of care, reducing the cost of services, and strengthening client-health worker relationships. Government medical staff, paramedics, frontline health workers and targeted NGOs have received capacity-building in delivering integrated and holistic services. An advocacy component focuses on mainstreaming issues related to stigma and discrimination, gender-based violence and community systems strengthening. The project also responded to COVID-19 by sustaining access to ART and reproductive health products along with mental health counselling for people living with HIV and other high-risk groups during the pandemic.

There is evidence of strengthened and sustainable SRH and HIV integration at medical colleges, state government hospitals, community health centres and primary health care facilities.

next steps

District mentors will supervise and facilitate the continuation of essential SRH/HIV services among women, adolescents, key populations and people living with HIV.


To ensure sustainability and local ownership, ‘Community Champions’ are now empowered to provide ongoing strategic inputs.

Read more about Project Sampoorna HERE.