Celebrating 30 Years of Frontline AIDS: Reflecting on the past and looking to the future

Frontline AIDS/Zinyange Auntony/2023

Frontline AIDS is celebrating its 30-year anniversary to create a future free from AIDS for everyone, everywhere in July 2024.

To celebrate, we are shining a spotlight on inspiring “change agents” – remarkable innovators and advocates who have been nominated by our partners for driving positive change within the HIV response – and launching an interactive timeline showcasing our 30-year history of partnership and innovation to mark this important milestone.

The International HIV/AIDS Alliance was founded 30 years ago to implement programmes and support local organisations in five countries – Senegal, Burkina Faso, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh – with funding and technical support. 30 years on, our partnership has grown to encompass 60 partners from around the world at the frontline of the HIV response, collectively reaching 7.8 million people in 2023.

The Frontline AIDS partnership is made up of 60 partners and is the world’s largest collective of civil society organisations working to end AIDS. We recognise that no single organisation can end AIDS alone. As a global partnership we work collectively, bringing our combined skills and experience in HIV, health and human rights to address the challenges that drive the epidemic.

Our partnership has always been guided by the principle that those most affected by HIV must be at the forefront of the response. We promote approaches where communities take ownership of their health and well-being and work to address the underlying social, economic, and structural barriers that fuel the epidemic.

Our 30th anniversary provides an opportunity to reflect on the past, assess present challenges, and look towards the future. The global commitment to end AIDS by 2030 is off track, and faces an uncertain donor environment for HIV funding, with increased attacks on the rights of marginalised people and a worsening climate crisis, which has been linked to increased HIV transmission rates and a reduction in people’s access to essential HIV treatment and care.

The 30th anniversary is an opportunity for Frontline AIDS to celebrate the important progress we have made, but also to take stock. We have many challenges to overcome if we are to achieve our mission. But I am inspired daily by the work of our partners.

– John Plastow, Interim Executive Director of Frontline AIDS.

John continues, “Despite the growing challenges, we remain steadfast in our commitment to advocate for the health and rights of people to access the services they need. Together, with our 60 global partners, we have the history to change the future.”

Explore our timeline and find out more about our change agents.


30th anniversaryHIVPartnership