AIDS 2022: Achieving an AIDS-free future

Achieving an AIDS-free future: African leaders championing sexuality education and challenging misinformation
Join African governments, youth activists and religious leaders as they discuss why new targets on sexuality education and adolescent health are important, how we can build support for this agenda amid growing opposition, and what steps countries should take to get back on track post COVID-19.
Welcome: Patricia Machawira, UNESCO
Moderator: Patriciah Jeckonia, Senior Technical Advisor, LVCT Health Kenya
Framing remarks: Caroline Ngonze, Senior Manager, Education Plus
- Nyasha Sithole, Youth Representative, The Global HIV Prevention Coalition
- Coceka Nogoduka, Chief Director: Care & Support in Schools, Ministry of Basic Education, South Africa
- Hon Sethomo Lelatisitswe, Assistant Minister of Health, Botswana
- Reverend Jane Ng’ang’a, National Coordinator, INERELA+
- Tumie Komanyane, READY+ Programme Lead, Frontline AIDS
Closing remarks: Patriciah Jeckonia, Senior Technical Advisor, LVCT Health Kenya