Tagged as: READY

2023 Annual Report and Accounts 28 Jun 2024

The Annual Report and Accounts captures the performance and achievements of Frontline AIDS and our partnership in 2023....

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READY+: Valuing our work 24 Apr 2023

The READY+ programme supports adolescents and young people affected by HIV to claim their SRHR, access quality information and services, and, make hea...

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A young woman of determination tackles HIV stigma 12 Aug 2021

Rumbie hit rock bottom when people in her community disclosed her HIV status without her consent. Here, she explains how being part of the READY+ prog...

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A day in the life of a quick-witted HIV peer supporter 15 Jun 2021

Known for his quick wit and infectious laugh, Stephen is helping other young Zimbabweans living with HIV to lead happy, healthy,...

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Our journeys, our stories 04 Jun 2021

Stories of Community Adolescent Treatment Supporters, told in their own words....

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What works? Using economic empowerment to stop violence against adolescent girls and young women affected by HIV 03 Jun 2021

Research findings and perspectives from young peer educators and organisations in Zimbabwe and Mozambique....

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Role models and agency: what young women want 05 May 2021

Adolescent girls and young women are among the hardest hit by the HIV epidemic and, in Mozambique, the rate of new infections among this demographic i...

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Anabela’s story: opportunity knocks with Skills2Live in Mozambique 20 Apr 2021

How vocational training, entrepreneurship classes and life-skills sessions are improving vulnerable young people’s health and well-being...

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From suicidal thoughts to speaking up for young mums with HIV 06 Apr 2021

For Vengai, a young single mum living with HIV, the birth of her daughter proved a major turning point and now she’s changing the lives of others as...

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