Tagged as: HIV prevention

Does the UN’s Universal Health Coverage declaration fail the most vulnerable people? 27 Sep 2019

Following this week’s High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in New York, Seb Rowlands tells us why the political declaration didn’...

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Frontline AIDS welcomes further commitments to The Global Fund 29 Aug 2019

Frontline AIDS applauds the recent contributions to The Global Fund to end AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, as more countries make financial commitment...

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Integrating the HIV response into universal health coverage 15 Mar 2019

New research reveals opportunities and major areas of concern as countries move towards UHC, while at the same time transitioning from international t...

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Sustaining the HIV response for marginalised people in MENA 23 Nov 2018

The Alliance will be Principal Recipient of new US$ 7.5 million programme funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis...

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Why it’s time to change perspective on HIV prevention 18 Oct 2018

HIV prevention must be re-orientated so that it places people (rather than interventions or disease) at the centre of the...

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Shadow prevention reports highlight significant gaps 26 Jul 2018

The Alliance unveiled their HIV prevention shadow reports yesterday at the International AIDS Conference in...

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