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Human rights monitoring for trans and gender-diverse communities 27 Feb 2024

Emergency responses and evidence-based advocacy aim to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ communities in the Western Cape...

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Response Evidence Advocacy, Change (REACh) 27 Oct 2023

Our REACh programme combines emergency response, community-led monitoring, and advocacy to support organisations in advancing human rights in the HIV ...

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Communities critical in support to Morocco’s earthquake survivors 27 Oct 2023

A devastating earthquake hit Morocco on 8 September, leaving over 3,000 dead and many thousands injured and affected. Association de Lutte Contre le S...

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SRHR toolkit and webinar for women who use drugs 02 Sep 2022

Advancing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women who use drugs...

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Drug Decriminalisation [e]Course 02 Sep 2022

First of its kind is providing the tools to advocate for drug decriminalisation...

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REAct E-Learning Platform 19 Aug 2022

REAct course moves to OU e-learning platform to sustain training for a growing number of REAct implementers – 'REActors'. ...

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​Unlawful policing: A crisis crippling the HIV response 28 Jul 2022

A new report from Frontline AIDS reveals how unlawful policing impacts on human rights, access to justice and the HIV response. ...

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AIDS 2022: Protectors or perpetrators? The impact of unlawful policing on HIV, human rights and justice 29 Jun 2022

Global health, human rights and justice: Showcasing good practices and lessons from the field from civil society actors...

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A tribute to our friend and partner Ashim Chowla 04 Dec 2021

Frontline AIDS pays tribute to Ashim Chowla, Chief Executive of our partner Alliance India, who has died suddenly aged 58....

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