Explore Frontline AIDS' 30-year history of partnership and innovation

Innovation Hub

All over the world, Frontline AIDS partners regularly create and bring to scale innovative ways to provide HIV services with and for the most marginalised.

Explore our Innovation Hub below to learn about some of the most promising and innovative work happening across our partnership today.

For more information on the projects featured,
please contact innovation@frontlineaids.org

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Eswatini |

Stage 3: Pilot

The Adherence App

A game-based app that improves young people's adherence to HIV treatment

Zimbabwe |

Stage 3: Pilot

Young Mentor Mothers

Peer-to-peer support for young mothers living with HIV

Botswana |

Stage 3: Pilot

Setting the Levels

Community-led, participatory monitoring of health facilities

Uganda |

Stage 3: Pilot

Peer-led, youth-friendly HIV and SRHR health facility services

Working with young people, health workers and the wider community to improve service quality

Uganda |

Stage 3: Pilot

Integrating SRHR/HIV services into community dialogues

Free 'hotspot' HIV/SRHR services alongside community discussions on how to improve services

India |

Stage 6: In the market and ready to scale

Scale up of READY++

Peer-led vocational skills, lifeskills and SRHR knowledge for adolescents and young people living with HIV

Cote d'Ivoire |

Stage 3: Pilot

Workplace healthchecks for men

Offering multi-disease consultations to increase HIV testing and treatment

Ukraine |

Stage 3: Pilot

The Telegram self-testing app

A chat bot for HIV self-testing to ensure access due to COVID-19 restrictions

Ukraine |

Stage 3: Pilot

HIV treatment deliveries

Innovative ways to get antiretroviral treatment to people during COVID-19

Ukraine |

Stage 6: In the market and ready to scale

The Safe Box Scheme

Mail order HIV self-testing during COVID-19

Nigeria |

Stage 6: In the market and ready to scale

MyQ, Linkup and Frisky

Digital solutions to increase young people's HIV and SRHR knowledge

Ukraine |

Stage 5: Market ready


Online guidance on how to self test for HIV

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