News and blogs

A reflection from Lois Chingandu, our director of evidence and influence, following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis....

HIV prevention must be at the heart of UNAIDS new strategy for beyond 2021, but first it is vital to recognise the scale of failure to meet the 2020 targets. ...

Impossible choices - work and risk getting or passing on COVID-19, or starve. How the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions have made life very difficult for sex workers....

We hear from four youth advocates on their efforts to ensure young people’s voices are heard in universal health coverage discussions....

Insights from the first community-based harm reduction, treatment and care pilot to be recognised by the country’s Ministry of Health....

Rights-based organisations in Africa are reporting that stigma against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people is on the rise as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic....

In Ecuador, one of the countries hardest-hit by the crisis, one community organisation has adapted at speed to ensure marginalised groups have the support they need....