Written by: Frontline AIDS

Rights violations of women in the Middle East and North Africa 09 Jul 2018

After suffering a string of rights violations, Sabera's case was documented by MENA Rosa – an organisation led by women living...

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Harm reduction: meeting the needs of hard-to-reach individuals 26 Jun 2018

Bangyuan shares the stories of three people who use drugs to demonstrate how harm reduction programmes can focus on the...

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Ginan Koesmayadi – 1980-2018 22 Jun 2018

The Alliance is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Deradjat Ginandjar Koesmayadi, known to us all as...

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Putting people at the centre of harm reduction: lessons from India 22 Jun 2018

Influence Support Officer Clare Morrison on a New Delhi clinic that puts people who use drugs at the centre of its harm reduction...

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In a crisis of accountability what is next for UNAIDS? 11 Jun 2018

I am calling on UNAIDS to ensure women can work within the agency without fear of sexual harassment and...

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Sanctuary at last for abused gay father and young son 17 May 2018

In Uganda, if you have children or not, being gay can get you killed. Four years ago, Matofu* and his son had to flee for their...

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“We are free to be who we are” 15 May 2018

How the Samarth HIV programme became a support ecosystem for men who have sex with men, hijra and transgender communities in...

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A powerful protection: using the law to challenge rights violations 11 May 2018

LGBT activists in Kenya are using the law to challenge rights violations – and a landmark ruling is...

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Badge of impunity: training police on sex workers’ rights in Malawi 26 Apr 2018

Sex worker Chifundo has been raped five times by police officers in the past. A local organisation is set to change this abuse of...

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