Written by: Frontline AIDS

Why it’s time to change perspective on HIV prevention 18 Oct 2018

HIV prevention must be re-orientated so that it places people (rather than interventions or disease) at the centre of the...

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Promoting harm reduction in China by sharing good practice abroad 16 Oct 2018

Innovative techniques for domestic advocacy key to development of community-based harm reduction for people who use drugs in...

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Ma Nwe’s story: recognising sex worker rights in Myanmar 24 Sep 2018

By Ma Nwe, a former sex worker who now works as a community advocate for Sex Workers in Myanmar (SWiM)....

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Heroin addiction, sex work and the struggle for healthcare 14 Sep 2018

Annabella, 20, was introduced to drugs as a teenager and became a heroin addict. She wants to quit but is struggling to access friendly health service...

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‘A victory of law and love’: India decriminalises homosexuality 06 Sep 2018

A landmark ruling announced today by India’s Supreme Court has decriminalised homosexuality between consenting...

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READY to Lead: 5 questions for International Day of the Girl 23 Aug 2018

More than 90% of adolescent girls that enter the workforce in the next decade in developing countries will work in the informal sector, where low or n...

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Young women in Zimbabwe get READY to Lead 10 Aug 2018

For International Youth Day, read about the new cadre of young women living with HIV who are determined to lead on sexual health...

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As young people, we want you all to recognise our power 27 Jul 2018

Annah Sango's powerful speech at AIDS 2018 reminds us of the talent, strength and conviction of young people to lead in the HIV...

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Shadow prevention reports highlight significant gaps 26 Jul 2018

The Alliance unveiled their HIV prevention shadow reports yesterday at the International AIDS Conference in...

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