Written by: Frontline AIDS

Injectable PrEP more effective than pills at preventing HIV among women 09 Nov 2020

An anti-HIV drug injected every two months has proven to be more effective than daily pill treatments at preventing HIV in women and girls, researcher...

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US Election 2020: Biden win brings hope of Global Gag Rule repeal 09 Nov 2020

Frontline AIDS congratulates President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on winning the US election....

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Bakar’s story: the strength to be myself 05 Nov 2020

How Bakar, a young gay Mozambican, takes good care of his sexual health in a country where stigma and discrimination can make it a real challenge....

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The story behind Uganda’s first opioid substitution treatment clinic 28 Oct 2020

In mid October, Uganda’s first opioid substitution treatment (OST) programme opened at Butabika hospital in Kampala. This represents a beacon of hop...

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Partnering with police to improve the lives of people who use drugs  28 Oct 2020

In Vietnam, the Centre for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) is working closely with the police on a pilot scheme that is improving...

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When the law is an ass: challenging the state apparatus in Nigeria 23 Oct 2020

When Victor* was convicted for the “crime” of consensual sex with another man, after being unlawfully advised by a police officer to plead guilty,...

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Lung health and HIV: why communities are key in the COVID-19 era 16 Oct 2020

From 20-24 October 2020, the world’s largest gathering on lung disease will take place – and COVID-19 will take centre stage....

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Innovation and peer support create change for LGBT people in Mozambique 16 Oct 2020

In Mozambique, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people face deeply entrenched social stigma and discrimination. This stops many LGBT peop...

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How the HIV response is adapting in the face of COVID-19 09 Oct 2020

All over the world, community-based organisations are initiating innovations in HIV services to continue reaching people with what they need most, be...

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