Written by: Frontline AIDS

HIV R4P: Three reasons to be excited about the future of HIV prevention 05 Feb 2021

Despite the enormous challenges posed by COVID-19, many scientists attending this year's virtual HIV Research 4 Prevention conference voiced optimism ...

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Enter the Ring – New HIV prevention method places power in women’s hands 02 Feb 2021

January marked an important step on the path to the first fully female-controlled HIV prevention method, after the World Health Organization (WHO) rec...

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President Biden repeals ‘Global Gag Rule’ 28 Jan 2021

In a long-awaited move, US President Joe Biden has repealed the Trump administration's expanded 'Global Gag Rule'....

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Community HIV health agents reach marginalised people in Mozambique 17 Dec 2020

In Mozambique, our two-year Deep Engagement programme has changed lives with its focus on providing individualised stigma-free HIV services for LGBT p...

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Eswatini: ‘Is it a crime to love someone?’ 16 Dec 2020

In Eswatini, nowhere does the lack of respect shown to people because of their sexual orientation go deeper than in religious circles. Imagine then wh...

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How #BlackLivesMatter is reigniting my passion to ‘do development differently’ 10 Dec 2020

Divya Bajpai, Director: Programmes at Frontline AIDS, gives her perspective on how the ongoing movement for racial equality could be transformative fo...

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Nuro’s story: I am an example, I show them they are not alone 04 Dec 2020

Nuro Amanula, a 22-year-old peer supporter from Mozambique, on why he is passionate about helping other gay men access lifesaving HIV prevention, care...

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Political inaction and dwindling investment – what’s next for HIV prevention? 01 Dec 2020

This World AIDS Day, organisations at the forefront of the HIV response are sounding the alarm that a shift in focus to COVID-19 risks creating a shar...

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COVID-19 risks undoing a decade of HIV prevention, frontline activists warn 01 Dec 2020

The fight against AIDS has been hard hit by COVID-19, new reports released today by Frontline AIDS show. ...

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